I’ve been hearing the words, Recompense, Resurrection and Restoration during my times of prayer. I heard the Spirit of God say that Recompense and Restoration is being released rapidly in this season to those who have felt robbed by the enemy in the last season. As we move towards the end of the year, many will begin to experience many sudden miracles of rapid restoration. I saw specifically in the United States of America and Australia, the cities that have experienced unrest in the past season shall now move into a time of peace and restoration.

The Father gave me 2 very distinct dreams about this coming season of recompense, resurrection, and restoration. In the first dream, I was standing in a gigantic courtroom in the United States. There were numerous people as far as my eyes could see. I recognized some current prophetic generals of faith in this dream. We brought a petition before the Judge concerning the sanctity of life and were requesting that he would rule in our favor. A positive outcome seemed impossible. As we watched, the atmosphere was so tense as people’s eyes and hearts were full of anticipation of a positive outcome. Suddenly, the Judge lifted His gavel for what seemed like an eternity; you could slice through the tension in the atmosphere with a knife. Immediately, he placed it down forcefully and ruled in our favor and a law was passed that would overturn the legalization of abortion.
When I awakened the Father said to me that the meaning of this dream was two fold. On the one hand, in the coming days, many who have been crying out for the preservation of the life of the unborn and that the demonic plot of the enemy against the unborn to be overturned are going to see massive victory as policies and statutes will be set in place that will favor the sanctity of life.
Also, many of God’s people have been carrying personal promises that the enemy had tried to abort in the past season. Many have even come to the place of birthing their promise from God but have experienced unusual warfare at the point of birthing but I heard the Spirit of God declaring Isaiah 40:2 that the season of warfare is ended! Just like the Judge in the dream had ruled in favor of life; I heard the Father say that “The Heavenly Court is in session”. Heavy Conversation is going on in the courts of Heaven and it is the Season of answers to prayers. God has ruled in our favor; Resurrection life is now being released to promises that died prematurely and that the enemy attempted to abort. Many shall give birth to their promises in this season, in Jesus’ name!
The Father has been speaking to me about a mighty move of His Spirit coming to the nations especially to the United States of America and Australia. A few nights ago I had a very POWERFUL dream about Australia and the United States. In this dream I was standing in a long hallway, the hallway was painted in white and the Glory of God filled the hallway; it looked like a thick beautiful cloud that sat on us. I was surrounded by a number of women who I recognized to be Australian. I began to walk in the hallway and it opened up into an area and suddenly it looked like I was in the United States. The Glory of God filled the atmosphere and as I walked, I saw more women and these women were from the United States. I began to speak to one of the women who was a Christian elected government official. I was aware that she was requesting that some of the laws about freedom of movement within and between countries be changed to where certain restrictions are not made mandatory. In the dream, she had temporarily lost her position in leadership because of her stance. There were also attacks that came against her in an attempt to silence her. The other women and I began to lift up our voices in prayer for her and suddenly, the scene changed. In the next scene, she informed us that she had been restored to her position in government and was also granted a promotion.
When I awakened, I heard the Father say that He is about to shake the nations, especially the United States and Australia, with a mighty move of His Spirit. Even as Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s Den due to being falsely accused; see Daniel 6, many have been falsely accused this season and have prematurely been removed from positions in systems where they once were leading or had jurisdiction. Just like Daniel was restored overnight, many who have stood for righteousness in this season will be restored into leadership positions in the 7 mountains. The enemy had attempted to silence many, but now Divine promotion shall be released for righteous voices to be heard! This is the Hour of Restoration!
I feel an urgency in my Spirit to release a clarion call for believers to pray in an intensity like never before. In Esther 6, the annihilation of the Jews was imminent but the power of prayer destroyed the demonic verdict and caused favor and restoration to be granted to God’s people. As a result of these prayers, the King favored and promoted Mordecai but the very one that had plotted Mordecai’s demise hung in the gallows he had built.
Yet again, we are in an hour where the prayers of the righteous are required to put a stop to the plan of the enemy and to usher in this Season of Restoration and divine reversal. Restoration is imminent as we lift our voices in the place of prayer. Just like the woman with the unjust Judge, who kept coming and requesting Justice, see Luke 18:7, I heard the Spirit of God say that He will bring about Justice speedily for the sake of His elect and release Recompense, Resurrection and Rapid Restoration.
Declarations to Activate this Season of Restoration
The word of God declares in Proverbs 6:31 that when the thief is found, He has to pay back 7 fold, all that was stolen. I declare in the name of Jesus that everything the enemy stole in the past season shall now be restored a thousand fold in the mighty name of Jesus! I declare financial restoration, family relationship restoration, restoration of new jobs, restoration in ministry and business in Jesus’ name! I declare that there shall be restoration of righteous voices in the 7 mountains in education, government, media and the different societal systems in Jesus’ name! I decree that there shall be Restoration and Resurrection of promises that died prematurely and Recompense shall be released immediately in Jesus name! I prophesy that this is the Set Time for Restoration in Jesus’ Mighty Name!
I receive it all, even as you have decreed and declared, Prophetess, in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth! Glory hallelujah! It IS so!!!!!!!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸
ThankYou ABBA Father for giving Ms, Agnes these powerful& prophetic dreams! We receive these declarations and Thank You Ms. Agnes for releasing these dreams from ABBA!
Hello sister Agnes, when will all this happen?
Let it come forth…on earth…as it is…in heaven!
I receive all in jesus name