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While praying about the month of October, the Father gave me the acronym V.I.C.T.O.R.Y for the Month of October. I’ll share more details about this acronym shortly.

I heard The Holy Spirit say that October is going to be highly PIVOTAL for America and the Nations. Globally and in your personal lives, October shall be your month of VICTORY in Jesus’ name!

Many have been in unprecedented Seasons of battles but in October, many shall MOVE FROM Battle to BREAKTHROUGH IN JESUS’ MIGHTY NAME!

The Father gave me these 2 pillar scriptures for the month of October.

1 Corinthians 15: 57: But thanks unto God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus’ CHRIST!

Romans 8:37 In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

In October you shall Conquer every Crisis and gain Victory over every demonic opposition by God’s POWER and His Peace in Jesus’ name

I declare that in October! God shall crush that which had come to conquer you and He shall catapult you into victory in Jesus’ name!

The Father gave me the word V.I.C.T.O.R.Y as an acronym for the month of October.

The V stands for Vengeance. In October God shall release His Vengeance against the demonic forces that had warred against you over the last few months.

Romans 12: 19 – 21 declares that Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, God shall repay you Everything the enemy stole from you in October in Jesus Name! I prophesy that October shall be the month when God will execute vengeance on the forces of darkness that had attempted to hinder the release of your breakthrough in Jesus’ name.

In October, you shall move from weeping to reaping good seeds that you have planted in past seasons in Jesus’ name!

I declare Overflow in October! Overflowing BLESSINGS in October!
Ownership in October; Take possession of the Land in October in Jesus’ name!

October shall be your month of PEACE! Psalms 46: 9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth

October shall be the month of Turnarounds.

Testimonies for God’s people but turbulence and torrent of destruction for the enemy in Jesus’ name.

I stands for Inspiration.

There shall be wisdom and supernatural strategies and Divine Inspiration and Impartation in October.

Job 32: 8 says there is a spirit in man and the impartation of the Almighty that gives him understanding, the breath of the Almighty.

A fresh wind of the Holy Spirit shall be released to those who have felt winded, God shall blow upon them to release the LIFE of God and bring times of refreshing rest and rejuvenation. In Ezekiel 37, God said to Ezekiel, Son of Man can these bones live? I declare that EVERY PROMISE from God that has died prematurely shall be resurrected and released to you in October in Jesus’ Name.

I PROPHESY TO THE BREATH! TO COME upon these bones and I speak LIFE IN JESUS’ NAME. I declare that Every Arrow of the enemy, arrows of discouragement; disappointment! Disillusionment! Death! Delay! Denial! We pull out these demonic arrows in Jesus’ Name!

We cover October with the blood of Jesus!
Isaiah 54: 17 No Weapon fashioned against us shall prosper in October in Jesus name!

See Also

C stands for the Call to come up Higher, as John describes in Revelation 4. God shall call us higher in October to reveal to us what must take place during the remaining part of this year and in 2025. October shall be a month of Elevation. It shall be a month of Overcoming Opposition, Leap and be Catapulted in October in Jesus name!

T stands for Thanksgiving.

You shall have many reasons to give thanks in October. As we give God thanks as in Psalms 100: 4, it shall BREAK open the Heavens to You and pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to contain in Jesus Mighty name!

O stands for the OVERFLOWING BLESSINGS and the Open Heaven that shall be released to you in October!

R stands for REST, October shall be your month of Rest.

I prophesy Restoration! Revival! Rejuvenation! REST! Repayment! RESULT! RELEASE OF BREAKTHROUGH in October in Jesus name!

Y stands for YES!

2 Cor 1: 20 states that God’s promises are Yes and AMEN!


God shall answer you SPEEDILY in Jesus NAME! May God release your breakthrough in Jesus NAME! Y also stands for Yoke Destroying Anointing. Isaiah 10: 27 states that It shall come to pass in that day that the burden shall be taken off your shoulder and the yoke from off your neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the Anointing.

In October, may the burden removing yoke destroying power of the ALMIGHTY God break every yoke and lift every burden you had carried and grant you SUSTAINED VICTORY in Jesus’ Mighty name!!!

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Irene Jones

Amen I receive that word

Breakthrough Team

Yes and AMEN in agreement!

Roslyn Bayard

In the name of Jesus, I accept the word of the Lord and I declare it. Praise God.

Breakthrough Team

HALLELUJAH! So shall they be established! AMEN


Thank you

Breakthrough Team

You are welcome ❤️❤️

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