This is your Season of Financial Overflow!
by Agnes Ebedi
July 11, 2020
Agnes Ebedi
Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong…
Agnes Ebedi
Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong prophetic anointing. Her vision is to see people across the globe encounter the person, presence and power of God.
Amen. I receive this word
I receive this Word from the Lord! Hallelujah🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 THIS IS MY SEASON FOR FINANCIAL OVERFLOW…A money miracle is coming to me THIS WEEK!!! #KingdomWork requires Kingdom Wealth. The private 🛩 is mines!! In Jesus Name #ThyKingdomCome
Thank you father, I receive it in Jesus Name
GOD Bless you Agnes
Amen I recieve it