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The Rise of a Global Revolution!

The Rise of a Global Revolution!

I was praying intensely for the United States of America and the nations recently and was suddenly taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw a Beautiful Bald Eagle. It was quickly been sucked into a vortex but as I watched, a forceful wind suddenly caused the Eagle to launch into the air and began to soar. Immediately, I heard the Spirit of God say concerning the United States of America and the nations of the earth, “what the enemy meant for your extinction shall instead lead to your distinction!” The plan of God for a divine revolution shall utterly nullify the plot of the enemy that was meant for harm. “The nations rage, the people plot in vain, the kings of the earth prepare for battle against the Lord and against his Anointed one; but the one who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” Psalm 2. I’ve been hearing this recurring sound in the Spirit and it is the sound of a trumpet blast, it is a sound that is awakening the Bride to her rightful place of authority to declare the word of God in prayer and see the hand of God move mightily, in an unprecedented way, in the nations.

God has heard your Prayers!

I saw what looked like a rapidly swirling whirlwind while worshipping today and as I looked closer, I saw a person robed in white in the middle of the whirlwind. They looked like they had been in a massive battle and were physically and mentally exhausted. As I looked, a massive wave of water, like the heavy eruption of a massive tsunami wave began to pour all over them and they lifted their eyes as they began to be refreshed, revived and revitalized. I heard the Spirit of God say that many in the body of Christ have been in the intense battle for righteousness to be established in the nations and for answers to prayers in their personal lives. Like Jacob who wrestled all night, many have felt like they were in a dark night season and cannot seem to breakthrough; but just like the crashing of a massive maverick wave, God is releasing refreshing, revival, revitalization to His people and there shall now be sudden results to long awaited answers to prayers. The golden bowls in heaven, full of incense, which hold the prayers of God’s people are now tipping over (see Revelation 5:8) and those mountains that had seemed insurmountable shall now shatter as a new wave of God’s Glory covers the earth.

This is not the end! This is only the beginning! 2021 shall usher in an Era of unusual signs, unprecedented wonders, and unexplainable miracles! I hear a clarion call to a deeper place of prayer and to a place of seeking the Lord in a greater intensity than ever before. Just like in the days of Joshua where He said to Israel in Joshua 3:5, “Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, the Lord will do great wonders, amazing things and miracles among you.” In the same way that Israel came to a new place of consecration as they stood at the edge of their Crossover into their place of promise, I hear the Father say that this new level of awakening and consecration is going to usher in a mighty move of His Spirit in the United States and the Nations.

Reinforcement is on the Way!

We were lifting our voices in prayer at our church on behalf of the nations last Sunday and I suddenly realized that I was in a vision. In this vision, I saw the Father with His arms intently stretched out to us and a very intense gaze in His eyes. I looked at His hand and saw flashes of lightning proceeding from them. As I gazed at this amazing sight, I heard His voice like the sound of a loud rumbling thunder! This is what He declared; “This is the hour of my manifested power! I will move in an unprecedented way in the nations to bring forth a mighty deliverance. I look on the nations with my mercy and “my plans for the nations are for peace and not for disaster.” Jeremiah 29:11. I will move in uncommon ways through unexpected vessels in the coming days; I will move to cause righteousness to be established in the earth. I will move upon the hearts of Kings to establish righteousness in the earth and release those who have been held captive into the place of freedom. Just like the children of Israel, my people shall crossover, this year, by the power of my outstretched arm, into their place of promise. I am releasing a host of angels who are carrying the answers to prayers. I am releasing a host of angels who “hearken unto the voice of my word” Psalm 103, “There is a great war in the heavenlies on behalf of the nations but my power shall prevail, my might shall prevail to bring forth victory!” “I have sworn by my own name and will not go back on my word” Isaiah 45:23 “that as surely as I live, in this hour, my Glory shall be visibly seen in the nations. I long to encounter those who have not known me. Mighty rulers and powerful kings of the earth shall now bow the knee to my name as they encounter my Love, my Presence and my Power.”

See Also

“Many will say in this hour “what happened to the promise of His coming? But I am not slow or slack concerning my promises” 2nd Peter 3:4 “I will show myself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully committed to me.” 2nd Chronicles 3:9. “Just like in the days of Daniel, where he began to call out to me on behalf of His nation and reinforcement was released to birth the victory, I am sending reinforcement to release the answer to your prayer! Do not give up in this greatest hour of the manifestation of my Power, I am sending my angelic reinforcements; I am personally arising as Jehovah Sabaoth, on your behalf, your God that guarantees your victory. I am moving to bring a mighty turnaround in your circumstances and in the answers to your prayers. So keep praying, keep seeking, keep asking, keep knocking, keep contending, keep believing as Faith in me is the victory that has overcome the world. Don’t give up! I have heard your prayers!”

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Myrtis Rander-Walker

Amen o

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