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I had a POWERFUL, POWERFUL Dream recently. In this dream, I was standing in a Huge Mansion. It had several rooms with several hallways. I noticed however that it was pitch dark and as I walked through one of the hallways I could see several people that seemed to be packing their bags in a hurry like they were moving.

Suddenly standing in front of me was a global leader, the president of a nation in which there is some unrest right now. As I looked at Him it all made sense. I became aware that He had invaded the United States of America with a particular intent to attack the Church of America. I looked at Him and He gritted his teeth and he looked back at me with a cold stare. He seemed bent on a decision for destruction of several nations.

I gently began to witness to Him about the Love of Jesus. As I did, to my SHOCK and Utter AMAZEMENT, his eyes began to soften. I could tell that His heart began to soften. In that moment, though he spoke no words, I could tell that the power of the Love of God had began to soften His heart and that the mission of the enemy for destruction had been aborted and the peace of God would prevail instead of destruction. I suddenly awakened and realized this was a dream!


I began to pray about the meaning of this dream and as I did, the Father began to speak to me from the book of Daniel about King Nebuchadnezzar. He had an ill intent towards Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, see Daniel 3, but by the Sovereign Power of the Almighty God, His heart was transformed and what the enemy intended for evil God turned it for good.

As I continued to pray about this dream, I heard the Spirit of God say that across the globe, THIS IS THE CHURCH’S FINEST HOUR! Just like in the dream I was granted audience to speak the counsel and plan of God to this leader, Many Believers who have built history with God in the Secret place, in prayer, praise and worship will now begin to be sought out by leaders of nations for divine strategy to build their economy, and the different spheres of their society. During times of chaos and conflict and the enemy attempting to bring confusion, there are Powerful Christian Voices that will begin to arise in the body of Christ that will be as Daniel was described in Daniel 5:11; It states “There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him. In the time of your father he was found to have insight, understanding and wisdom like that of the gods” Many Men and Women who have sat in the counsel of God by praying for His plan for the nations to be fulfilled, in the same way I saw the heart of this leader begin to turn to God, many shall see their prayers to God for their nations come to pass SUDDENLY!


As I continued to pray about this dream, the Father reminded me of an encounter that a minister, from my country of birth, Nigeria, shared some time ago. He said he requested the audience of the President of a Nation. He was leading a ministry crusade but felt led that before He went to preach that day to give a word from the Lord to the President of the nation. God opened the door and He was given access to speak to the President. When He walked in, He was warned very firmly that the president would give Him at the most 10 minutes and that He should be very concise. He released the word to the President and the President was in Awe at the accuracy of the counsel of God and He spoke to the minister for over two hours! He appealed to this minister to give Him divine strategy to govern the nation He was leading. Psalm 33:10 says “The Lord frustrates the plans of the Heathen nations. He makes the plans of the princes of these nations of no effect. But the counsel of the Lord shall stand firm, the purposes of His heart Forever.”

I hear the Spirit of God issuing a charge to the church in this hour to not be distracted by what the current national and global circumstances may look like. Psalm 2:1 states “Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The Kings of the earth prepare for battle, the rulers plot and take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed one, saying “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles” But the one who rules in Heaven laughs, the Sovereign Lord scoffs at them in supreme contempt” Verse 8, the Father declares to us “Ask me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance and the whole earth as your possession.”

See Also
Angel guarding human.

I hear the Spirit of God say that it is expedient for the church to arise in prayer for the nations like never before because as we pray we will see our governments be transformed by the Power of God, unrighteousness laws overturned and His righteousness established.


In the beginning of my dream, I saw many packing their bags thinking that they would have to evacuate because of the enemy’s invasion but at the end of my dream, they did not have to evacuate. I hear the Spirit of God say that many have faced circumstances recently where the enemy had tried to bring about a shaking to what was their safe place financially, in family relationships, in business, some on their jobs and in ministries. But I hear the Spirit of God say that what the enemy intended for evil God will cause it to work for our good. The prayers we have prayed over these circumstances have not gone unnoticed before the Father and where there has been unrest there is peace and stability being restored so I declare right now in Jesus name for the church for our families, our businesses, our ministries, our cities, our nations, I declare Isaiah 54:17 that no weapon formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name! No plot, no scheme, no tactic, no strategy of the enemy shall prevail in the mighty name of Jesus! The Father has asked me recently to begin to pray Psalm 91 protection for the body of Christ daily. I have been doing this and right now I pray that God will give His Angels charge over our families, our ministries, our businesses, our cities, our nations, our governmental systems in Jesus name! I declare that no harm shall come to us in Jesus name! I declare that no plague shall come near our dwelling in Jesus name! I declare that the Blessing of the Lord that brings wealth and adds no sorrow associated with it is released to us NOW! in Jesus name!

I call our homes BLESSED, I call our Families BLESSED! I call our businesses jobs and ministries BLESSED! I call our cities and Nations BLESSED! IN JESUS NAME! If you Believe this SHOUT AMEN!!! Regardless of the report of the enemy, we believe the report of the Lord! Numbers 23:20, God has Blessed us! It cannot be reversed! I declare that the world is blessed because the church is in it in Jesus name and as we have prayed we shall see the manifestation of the blessing of the Lord in our lives, our families, our cities and our nations in Jesus name!

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Melissa Bridgers Allen


Dionne White

Powerful dream, word and testimony!
I literally just finished reading (praying) Psalm 91 then Holy Spirit led me to check what you may had posted and it was this 7 minutes prior!
Praying and agreeing with this word!

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