Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong…
I have had 2 very Strategic Visions over the last few weeks about the Month of March being a month of Sudden Answers to prayers, Great Deliverance and 24-hour MAJOR MIRACLES!
In the First vision, I looked up and saw Jesus reaching out His hand through a bright cloud and He gave me 3 keys. On the First key was written in BOLD LETTERS the Word, MIRACLES! On the Second Key was written the word MOVEMENT and in the Third Key was written the word MANIFESTATION!
Immediately, I heard the Spirit of God say that March shall be a Month of Many MIRACLES! Many have being praying for change to come in their lives, family relationships, businesses, ministries and in their cities but they had experienced stagnation or what seemed like a stalemate.
In March, the Supernatural Miracle Working Power of God is going to move in the lives of many to bring about 24 Hour Miracles! We see in 2nd Kings 7:1 that an entire nation was facing a major economic drought. The Prophet Elisha declared “Hear the word of the Lord, This is what the Lord says, Tomorrow about this time, a Seah of fine flour will sell for a shekel.” The Miracle working Power of God came on the Four lepers, empowered their movement and as they stepped out, they saw the manifestation of a SUDDEN NATIONAL ECONOMIC SHIFT!
I hear the Spirit of God say that in February, some faced unusual opposition that brought about discouragement, disappointment and disillusionment but MARCH is a MONTH of a MASSIVE open Heaven! Divine instructions are going to be released in March and supernatural strategies for victory are going to be given and just like the lepers stepped out and shifted their national economy in 24 hours, as we obey the divine strategies and instructions God gives us this Month, we shall March into Many Miracles in Jesus’ name!
While praying into the Month of March, the Father reminded me that March is the Month of Purim, where Esther, by the Power of God, brought about a great deliverance by saving the Jewish people from being annihilated.
As I continued to pray, a few weeks ago, during my prayer time, I was SUDDENLY taken into a POWERFUL VISION! In this vision, I saw what looked like a massive prison. I was running through the hallway and I could see many people in what looked like holding cells. As I ran through the hallway, I was holding what looked like a master key and began to unlock the doors one after the other and the people were coming out of these holding cells. I recognized some of their faces and knew they were Christians.
A lot of us began to lift our voice and call on God to get us out of this prison. I literally lifted my voice and cried out to the Lord. I said “HELP!!!” Immediately, as I watched, a MIGHTY HAND came from out of the Sky and lifted the whole Building up Effortlessly. Immediately, Every one ran out, set free from the prison that had held them for a very long time!
When I came out of the vision, I began to ask the Holy Spirit what this vision means. He spoke to me that in March, the STRONGHOLDS that held the people of God captive shall BREAK SUDDENLY! A stronghold is a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack. I heard the Spirit of God say that the enemy has tried to keep many in demonic strongholds by holding them in cycles and patterns of unexplainable attacks in their health, their finances, their family relationships, their businesses, their ministries but I hear the Spirit of God say that these STRONGHOLDS shall SUDDENLY BREAK in the month of March!
2 Corinthians 10:4 declares that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds”. This month, as we engage the weapon of Jeremiah 33:3, as we call on the Lord, He will show us great deliverance from EVERY opposing force in Jesus’ name!
Paul and Silas, in Acts 16 were in a situation where they were fulfilling their God given assignment but were met with sudden opposition. The key they engaged is the key that we will need to engage in this Season to unlock our MIRACLES. Verse 25 declares that “At Midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God and the prisoners heard them. And Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s bands were loosed!”
I hear the Spirit of God say, “Do not underestimate the power of your prayers and your praising in this season to break open the prison doors that had hindered you from stepping into your Miracles!”
So we pray in the name of Jesus! Father, your word declares in Psalm 149:6, “Let the High praises of God be in their mouth!” Father, we take a moment to put the high praises of GOD in our Mouth! We praise you POWERFUL GOD! You are the “Impossibility Specialist”, You are the God with whom NO-THING is impossible!
We worship you! God of Miracles, we praise you! We thank you! We celebrate in anticipation that MARCH shall be our Month of Many Miracles in Jesus’ name! We enter into your gates with thanksgiving according to your word in Psalm 100:4. We enter into your courts with praise! We thank you in anticipation of the MAJOR MIRACLES that you are releasing this month in Jesus’ name!
I pray for everyone reading this word that there shall be a SPEEDY MANIFESTATION of your LONG AWAITED MIRACLE in MARCH in Jesus’ name! THANK YOU JESUS!!!

Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong prophetic anointing. Her vision is to see people across the globe encounter the person, presence and power of God.
Oh Yes! March is My Month of MANY MIRACLES!!!! Thank for sharing this powerful prophetic word!
I Love You Agnes! You are a joyous, anointed Woman of God! So blessed that he lead me to you! I look to you as my spiritual mother! God pour out his greatest blessing over you and your ministry!!
Suzanne Hammis
Hi Suzanne, Yes! We stand in agreement with you in prayers and declare that this month will indeed be your month of Miracles. A big Amen to your prayers and God bless you richly.
~Breakthrough Team
I receive and believe this word as it bears witness with me deeply! Thank you God for your powerful words of promise! Just as you woke me up yesterday with lyrics to a song “all things are possible, so possible…he makes a way where there seems to be no way!” And I heard You clearly Holy Spirit saying the lyrics “His promise still stands. Great is His faithfulness!” You WILL DO IT AGAIN!! WE WILL SEE YOU MOVE MOUNTAINS AND SET CAPTIVES FREE! Thank you Agnes for your faithfulness to seek Him and give us the report of the Lord! God bless you!
We will see the suddenly!
Glory to Jesus, I pray God will continue with his great works in your life. God bless you too.
Thank you for this word, my husband and I are believing for healing. Him from addiction to pain medication that he is believing God for total release from and total healing in his body, and I am believing God to renew my organs and nerves from the enemies trying to inflict me with blood sugar issues. We believe God above what we see. Thank you for the word and we are believing March is our total healing month praise God.
I come in agreement with you in prayers and declare total healing and restoration of good health in the name of JESUS!
I agree and believe and receive this long awaited breakthrough in The Mighty Name of Jesus!!
Yes and Amen in agreement 🔥
Yes! March is My Month of MANY MIRACLES!!!! Thank for sharing this powerful prophetic word!
I Love You Agnes! You are a joyous, anointed Woman of God! So blessed that he lead me to you! I look to you as my spiritual mother! God pour out his greatest blessing over you and your ministry!!