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On the Second Day of the Month of May I had a POWERFUL DREAM! In this Dream a large crowd of people and I were walking on an interstate with an unusual speed that was faster than the vehicles that were driving at full speed. I looked around us and noticed that the bright cloud of the Glory of GOD surrounded us!

As I looked, I noticed we were in the United States! I recognized the high rise buildings of Beautiful downtown Atlanta Georgia. We continued to move and then I recognized the Spectacular network of roads in Beautiful Dallas Texas. We continued to move and to my utter Amazement, I realized we began moving into different nations! I knew this because each place we went, the people, the buildings and the geographical location looked strikingly different!

I was in Awe when I noticed that there were some men with us who looked like angels dressed in what looked like military uniform. They informed us that they were sent to accompany us and as we MOVED, I SUDDENLY woke up!

When I woke up I heard the SPIRIT OF GOD say that MAY is our Month of MASSIVE REVIVAL! Every Revival is marked with a Heavy outpouring and tangible manifestation of the Glory of the Lord. In this dream there was a massive cloud of the Glory of God that filled EVERY NATION we went. The dictionary definition of the word REVIVE means to RESURRECT, RESUSCITATE, GIVE NEW STRENGTH, TO REFRESH, TO RESTORE! Promises that died prematurely shall NOW be resurrected, resuscitated and receive new life! Where there had been loss, God shall bring massive restoration.


As I prayed about the dream, the Father spoke several amazing prophetic meanings of this dream for the body of Christ for the month of May. Just like in the dream, many were moving with SPEED and Renewed Strength, in May, many that have become weary shall NOW SOAR on wings like Eagles according to the word of the Lord in Isaiah 40:31! We shall RUN and not grow weary; We shall walk and not faint in Jesus name. I declare that in MAY there shall be SPEEDY release of FINANCES that had been held up; There shall be SPEED in the release of answer to prayers that were being delayed by the enemy just like in Daniel 10:2 in Jesus’ name.


I heard the Spirit of GOD say that in May, many shall move from drought to a deluge of Blessings! In the dream, the people were moving faster than the vehicles and it reminded me of the SUPERNATURAL SPEED that PROPELLED Elijah on the day that the drought broke over Israel. 1st Kings 18:46 declares that “The power of the Lord came on Elijah and he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.” The power of God that gave speed to Elijah to outrun the Chariot of Ahab shall release to us SPEED where there had been stagnation and where there had been drought, there shall now be an abundance of the rain of Blessings!


My husband and I have been on the missions field out of America for several months but I was pleasantly surprised that in this dream, the cloud of the Glory of God that I saw began in the United States! I hear the Spirit of GOD say that there shall be a SPEEDY Manifestation of a Mighty Move of the Glory of God, a wave of a Massive Revival that will begin in the United States and will BLESS the nations. Tears are coming to my eyes as I type this; I love America. I hear the Spirit of GOD say that GOD is NOT FINISHED WITH AMERICA! The battle has been intense in the realm of the Spirit for America but what I saw in the dream was the bright cloud of the Spirit of God begin to fill the United States of America and other nations! This BRIGHT GLORY CLOUD was moving through the nations and was unstoppable!

This Month, this weighty Glory of God that will begin to rest on America and the nations will begin to sweep through church services and we shall see that massive Salvation of souls, supernatural encounters, signs, wonders and miracles will increase! We saw this a few months ago at the Asbury Revival and I hear Holy Spirit say that this is a foretaste of what is going to continue to take place on a national and Global level. There shall be a SURGE, a DELUGE, a RAPID RELEASE of this weighty Glory of God on America and the nations. Holy Spirit is reminding me of the open eyed vision I had some years ago. In this vision, I woke up and Jesus was physically sitting in my room! As I looked at His eyes, I could see His deep love for the nations. Then a few days later, I saw a POWERFUL VISION of a massive stadium in America where several thousands were crying out for the Glory of God and as they did, many began to get up out of their wheelchairs, many blind eyes were opened, many sick were healed and many souls were saved! A Tsunami of the Glory of God is being released from the realm of the Spirit into the Natural to America and to the Nations in this Season in Jesus’ name!


On the first day of May, I woke up with a sound of celebration in my Spirit! It felt like Christmas morning and I heard the Spirit of God say that for many, May shall be a month of great rejoicing and massive celebration! Many will move from mourning to morning in May. Just like in the dream, as the Glory of the Lord filled the nations, it looked like the bright morning clouds, I heard the Spirit of God say that many have been in what seemed like a long night season due to the warfare on their finances and in other areas of their lives but many shall move out of the night into the morning in May, the dawning of a new day, a new season where the Glory of the Lord shall bring a shift in their finances and in other areas of their lives in Jesus’ name.


I had a dream a few weeks ago where God was speaking to me about a business strategy that will bring in kingdom finances and when I woke up I continued to pray about the meaning of this dream and I heard the Spirit of GOD say that there are very strategic instructions that will be released to many in May that will release major financial breakthrough to them. Habakkuk 2:1 says that “I will look to see what He will say to me.” This month of May, many will receive instructions that will yield financial blessings to them in the millions and many will receive divine instruction that will bring about unusual Favor and promotion on their jobs!

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"Some of you will receive houses as gifts..."

In the first dream, the Glory of God covered the high rise buildings and high rise buildings typically house major businesses that impact the economies of cities. I declare that this month, the Glory of the Lord will begin to SHIIFT the entire economies of cities and nations positively in Jesus name! As I was typing this word, I looked and saw that the time was 8:18am! Deuteronomy 8:18 declares that you shall remember the Lord your God for it is He that gives you the Power to get wealth. In May, Many shall receive major financial BREAKTHROUGH in Jesus’ name!


The Glory of GOD is the dwelling place of the goodness of GOD! Exodus 33:18-19, when Moses asked the Lord, “Show me your Glory”, God said, verse 19, “I will cause all my goodness to pass before you” I prophesy that as the Glory of God begins to rest upon us in May, May we Taste and See that God is good! Psalm 34:8, in Jesus’ name!

I declare according to Isaiah 60, In May, May the light of God come upon us to defeat the darkness that tries to cover the Earth in Jesus name! In May, May the Glory of God be seen upon us in Jesus name! In May, May Kings come to the brightness of our rising in Jesus name! According to the word of GOD in Philippians 4:19, as the Glory of God fills our lives in May, May God supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus! May the Month of MAY be our best month yet in Jesus’ name!!!

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Tara Baldwin

What an incredible and encouraging word! Thank you so much. I receive this to my spirit and join in prayer over my loved ones and my nation. God bless you Ms Agnes 🤍

Breakthrough Team

Hallelujah 🔥 God bless you too

Carolyn Littlejohn


Breakthrough Team


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