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I had a very POWERFUL DREAM 2 nights ago! In this dream I saw a massive angel dressed in white. This angel anointed my hands with oil and began to speak to me about the MASSIVE WEALTH TRANSFER COMING TO THE BODY OF CHRIST!

I woke up from this dream amazed! As I began to pray into the meaning of this prophetic dream, I heard a LOUD KNOCK on my door! I stepped out of my house and saw a package at my door. I was at a conference in Houston Texas last month where they spoke about the wealth transfer coming to the Body of Christ. I had ordered some anointing oil from that conference and it was mailed to me. I opened this package I had just received and it was the anointing oil I had ordered! It arrived about an hour after the dream with the angel and the oil!

As I stared at the package and the oil completely STUNNED at the timing of this Angelic encounter and receiving this package with the oil, I heard the Spirit of God say that a Massive WEALTH TRANSFER IS COMING TO THE BODY OF CHRIST! Those who have felt robbed by the enemy in their finances shall now step into a Joel 2 SUDDEN RESTORATION CELEBRATION!

Joel 2:25 speaks of this MASSIVE RESTORATION. Joel 2:25, “I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten” I hear the Spirit of God say that Finances that had been held up shall now be released SUDDENLY!


This encounter with the angel in the dream reminded me of a similar dream I had a few months ago where I was at a church service and the minister gave someone 20 thousand dollars. There was such an overflow of wealth and generosity at the church in this dream that there was literally a wealth transfer taking place in this church. When I woke up from that dream the Father highlighted the number 20 to me. For someone to have 20:20 vision is to be able to see clearly. I heard the Spirit of God say that He is going to begin to empower the Body of Christ to see new supernatural innovative strategies to activate the wealth transfer!

There is going to be favor even in the marketplace where many believers will be catapulted to positions of authority that they had not occupied before. This will unlock massive wealth to them and the organizations that they own or work for.

Genesis 39:5 describes it perfectly. In Genesis, Every house, organization, government that Joseph was a part of was blessed because the presence of God was with Joseph. The BLESSING of the Lord that will activate the release of Wealth is been released on God’s people. This Blessing shall activate the release of a massive wealth transfer to us and to the organizations that we are a part of in this season.

Isaiah 22:22 states “I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David: so He shall open and none shall shut and he shall shut and none shall open. As we move towards the end of the year into the next year MASSIVE DOORS OF MEGA FINANCIAL BLESSINGS SHALL OPEN UP TO US SUDDENLY!

The Hebrew name for the letter symbolizing the new Jewish year we are stepping into, 5784, is Dalet. One of the meaning of the words Dalet is DOOR! The new year shall be the year of the Open Door! I prophesy that the DOOR to a MASSIVE WEALTH TRANSFER is being opened to the Body of Christ in Jesus mighty name!


The Father has been speaking to me about a MEGA GREAT AWAKENING coming, a POWERFUL REVIVAL, a Revolution that will bring in many souls to be saved to the Kingdom of God! Many shall encounter the person, the power and the presence of God!

I was praying recently and saw a vision of a large stadium filled with several thousand people! Hundreds of them were getting up out of wheelchairs completely healed by the power of God. Several thousand more were running up to the front and getting saved by the POWER OF GOD. The Father said to me that this MEGA WEALTH TRANSFER is coming to the Body of Christ to finance this MIGHTY MOVE OF GOD that is going to bring in many that do not know Jesus into a POWERFUL Destiny transforming encounter with God!

Massive wealth shall also be released to those who are at the front line of revival in the media mountain! I want to take a moment to honor the Elijahlist. I was at a conference at Bethel Church Redding California last week and a lady who I did not know walked up to me and after introducing herself began to share how reading the prophetic words on the Elijah list got her through a very difficult season. We both had tears in our eyes as we gave God thanks for the front liners releasing prophetic strategy, prophetic words and hope to our generation!

See Also

1st Timothy 6:17 says that God gives us all things richly to enjoy. There is a blessing coming to God’s people to see our needs met but there is going to be such a Massive release of wealth that there will be more than enough to steward the massive harvest of souls coming to the Body of Christ in Jesus name!


Job 22:28 states “Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established and light shall shine upon your ways.” The Father said to me that when we SEE the promise by the Spirit of God and we SAY what we see by the Power of Holy Spirit, then we shall SEIZE the promise; We shall receive the promise by the power of God!

God came to the Prophet Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1:11 and said to him “Jeremiah what do you see?” and then He said to Him “You have seen well for I will hasten my word to perform it.” In the natural, Jeremiah’s people were in a very difficult Season but Jeremiah chose to see from God’s perspective and this hastened the release of his promise.

It is important that we begin to see what God has said concerning our finances in His word, and not be moved by what it may look like right now in the natural because the tide is turning in Jesus name!

I pray Philippians 4:19, May God supply all our needs according to His riches in Glory in Jesus name! I declare Deuteronomy 8:18 May God give unto us the POWER TO GET WEALTH in Jesus name! I pray 2nd Corinthians 9:8 that God generously provides all we need so that we always have everything we need and plenty left over to share with others in Jesus name.

May God give us the wisdom to access the strategy to unlock this MEGA WEALTH TRANSFER in Jesus name. May a MEGA WEALTH TRANSFER be released to us SUDDENLY in the name of Jesus!

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Queen Hayes

Amen and Amen! Received as done, in the name of Jesus! Glory hallelujah!💃🙌🏼💃🙌🏼💃🙌🏼💃

Breakthrough Team



Thank you, Lord! I receive it in the Name of Jesus!

Breakthrough Team


Stephanie Oll

Mom’s name is Agnes too. Claiming the prayers wholeheartedly. Amen 🤲🏼🙏🏻💕

Breakthrough Team

Wow! That’s beautiful ❤️! YES AND AMEN IN AGREEMENT

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