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The Storm shall come to a Sudden End!

The Storm shall come to a Sudden End!

The Storm shall come to a Sudden End!

I was deep in prayer a few days ago about the current global situation and was suddenly taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw the twisting funnel of a violently rotating tornado rapidly approaching, about to touch the ground; but as I watched, it was suddenly lifted, and it immediately dissipated.

The Storm shall come to a Sudden End!
Credit: Nikolas Noonan

I heard the Spirit of God say that, like a whirlwind, many have been in the middle of storms and circumstances that have been overwhelming and seemingly out of control, like the rapidly approaching winds of a violent tornado, but I heard Him say that the wind of change is here! The storm is lifting and there shall now be a sudden turnaround! Across the globe, there shall be testimonies of healings; many testimonies of seeming impossibilities becoming possible, massive testimonies of many people having destiny-altering divine encounters with God; there shall be MEGA financial testimonies! Entire national economies shall shift into seasons of abundance.

The wind of change is here.

I hear the Spirit of God say that the weapon of warfare is the power of your declaration. The words of our mouths shall cause the storms sent by the enemy to suddenly dissipate. There is a fresh wind being released, sent by God. It is a wind of refreshing and waves of massive restoration. Where many have felt weary in battle, this is an Ezekiel 37 hour. The hand of the Lord is coming upon His people all across the globe, God’s people are coming out of the storms that had opposed them in past seasons and the cycles of turbulence that was sent by the enemy, and they are moving into a season of massive restoration. Just like Ezekiel began to prophesy to the breath in Ezekiel 37 and suddenly there was a noise, a rattling, a sound of a mighty army arising; I hear the Lord say that peace shall proceed out of our prophesying and bring an end to the turmoil that some had experienced in the past season. I see an army arising with fire in their eyes and a determination to defeat the enemy; they are dressed for victory with their swords strapped to their side and on the sword is branded this word in bold letters ‘PEACE’! As they move in battle formation, as they advance into victory, I hear the Lord of Hosts, the God of Heaven’s Armies roaring like a ferocious Lion and declaring Romans 16:20, “The Force of My Peace has crushed Every enemy under your feet!”

"The Force of My Peace has crushed Every enemy under your feet!" – Romans 16:20 Click to Tweet
clouds in shallow focus

Your Season of Sudden Restoration

I prophesy that today, a second wind of supernatural strength is coming to you as you step into your season of reaping, repayment, rest, renewal, refreshing and rapid restoration in Jesus name!

Exciting Announcement!

Recently, The Lord gave me a dynamic, destiny altering, open eyed vision where He downloaded to me 21 declarations as a weapon to unlocking your MEGA BREAKTHROUGH. The Official release day is September 3rd 2020 but you can go ahead and get your copy right away and begin to possess your long-awaited promises! Click here to access these declarations.

See Also

As you read these declarations out loud, I prophesy that your MEGA BREAKTHROUGH shall be unlocked and released in Jesus’ name!

Please like and share this article if it blessed you!
– Agnes

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Ella Dickey

Thank you Prophetess. I receive this prophetic word in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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