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The Force of God’s Favor shall Break the Fog of Discouragement

The Force of God’s Favor shall Break the Fog of Discouragement

Agnes Ebedi: "The Force of God's Favor shall Break the Fog of Discouragement!"

I was praying recently and suddenly, the room began to be filled with a thick, heavy, fog like the appearance of a dense cloud before the arrival of a torrential downpour of rain. I immediately became aware that the weighty presence of God was in the room. I began to worship, and I heard the Father say this. “I am releasing the fierce force of my favor to break the fog of discouragement that many have endured in the past season.” Then I heard Him say this to me, “Agnes, lift up your voice and announce the arrival of the unprecedented manifestation of my Glory; the weighty release of my goodness for surely “the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of my Glory like the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14. In the same way that the presence of a heavy cloud announces the arrival of a downpour of rain, the arrival of the unusual manifestation of my Glory is going to usher in a new realm of my goodness.”

 “The sudden arrival of my Glory shall take the nations by a storm as a rainstorm of my favor shall be released. I will visit My people with my goodness, I will inhabit their homes with My kindness. I will refill and restore everything that was lost in the past season. The substance of My Favor shall propel, promote, and position my people above the storms that had been raging in the last season. In the same way that Noah found favor with Me and this favor protected his family in an unprecedented time of crisis, the substance of my favor that is resting upon my people shall cause their cities and their nations to be restored. I am raising up those in this hour who will be “repairers of the breach and restorers of streets to dwell in” Isaiah 58:12. The sound of their voices lifted up in prayer to me shall bring to birth the forceful release of all that had been lost in past seasons.” “I will bless my people and their homes, I will send the showers that they need, there shall be a rainstorm of blessing!” Ezekiel 34:26.

You have found Favor with God!

Some time ago, I was having recurring dreams of so much celebration taking place! There was dancing in the streets as many were feasting; there was joy, elation, exhilaration and laughter and I heard the Father say that the arrival of this new level of His Glory upon the earth shall be the advent of the manifestation of many massive miracles! This release of His goodness shall bring a sudden turnaround. The global crisis shall suddenly turn into a glorious global celebration!

I prophesy in Jesus name that as Heaven invades the earth in our cities, regions, nations, in our homes and personal lives there shall be a rapid release of many testimonies of divine provision, promotion, healings, family and city restoration in Jesus name!

See Also
Jesus holding a basket of miracles!

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