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This is the Birthing of a New Era of Breakthrough!

This is the Birthing of a New Era of Breakthrough!

person standing near body of water

I have been having a series of dreams recently where the Father has been speaking to me about the body of Christ stepping into an Era of Breakthrough! In the first dream, I was standing in an old rustic home; it was very small, confined, and dark. Suddenly, I heard the audible voice of God say “Come out of Egypt!” His voice was so full of power that it empowered my feet to begin to move immediately. As I turned around and began to move, I woke up from this dream and I heard the Spirit of God say, “Say to my people that they are coming out of Egypt into their place of promise!”

I began to study the origin of the word ‘Egypt’. The word ‘Egypt’ is from the Hebrew word ‘Mistrayim’. It means ‘enemy, walls pressing in, double trouble.’ I heard the Father say, many have felt confined by the attacks of the enemy in the last season and have faced unprecedented trials and troubles but this is crossover season! The unprecedented Battles shall now give way to Unparalleled Breakthrough! I am releasing My word to empower My people to break free from the opposition that had confined them in the last season.” Exodus 3:7, “Then the Lord said “I have surely seen the oppression of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters, I am aware of their suffering and I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and to bring them out of Egypt into their own good and spacious land, a large land flowing with milk and honey. For many who have felt opposed or oppressed by the enemy, this is CROSSOVER Season!”

Standing at the Brink of Breakthrough!

We are standing at the cusp of a mighty move of God and just like in the days were Jesus was born and King Herod was a ruling force in the land that sought to abort the mission of salvation of mankind, Matthew 2:16; just like Pharaoh, the King of Egypt issued a demonic decree, in Exodus 2 for the annihilation of all the babies that were born in Moses’ time, yet again, there is a mighty move of God about to take place in the land and the enemy is working in attempt to establish Anti-Christian laws and decrees in effort to abort this move of God in the earth realm; but in the same way that God preserved and raised up Moses, there are pure, Apostolic Spiritual Midwives that have been prepared and preserved for such a time as this!

Just like Moses said to Pharaoh “Let my people Go!” Exodus 5:1 and as a result of his decree, the children of Israel were set free from 430 years of captivity in Egypt; there are Bold, Fierce, Apostolic midwives being raised up. They shall release divine declarations that will shift nations, cities and families into Breakthrough. Just like God raised up midwives in Israel’s day who would not abort the mission of God to raise a deliverer to set Israel free, Exodus 1:15-21, God Is raising up Apostolic midwives in this hour who will not be silent, they will not be silenced. They will yield their voice in fervent intercession; they will advocate for righteous decrees to be established in the land. They will invade the 7 mountains and be raised up as the Daniels, the Deborahs, the Esthers and the Josephs to see righteousness established in Government, Education, Arts and Creativity, the Church, and the other mountains of society. We will be a church without walls as we invade the world with the word that will release freedom to them and bring them into their place of breakthrough!

We shall Suddenly Step into this Era of Breakthrough

I had a second dream recently and in this dream, I was standing in the street I grew up in and then the scenes changed and I was suddenly standing in the front of a bakery close to our home. The name of this Bakery is NEW ERA. When I awakened, I heard the Spirit of God say this “Say to my people that they are moving into their new era of breakthrough! It will happen suddenly! “The reproach of Egypt has been rolled away!” Joshua 5:9. Many have suffered shame in the last season because of the attacks of the enemy and because it seemed like the manifestation of the promise of God was delayed or all together denied but instead of shame and dishonor, you shall receive a double portion, see Isaiah 61:7, it shall be double for the trouble you experienced in the last season. We are stepping out of Egypt into the place of plenty and promise in Jesus’ mighty name.

The Master Key that activates BREAKTHROUGH

After both dreams, I began to pray and seek the Father for the strategy to unlock Breakthrough and shortly after this, I had a third dream. In this dream, I was releasing a decree like the sound of a loud roar! I was declaring vehemently in my dream, “By Faith, we shall see the promises of God released! By Faith, we shall see these mountains move! By Faith, we shall heal the sick, By Faith, we shall raise the dead!” I woke up after this and immediately heard the Spirit of God say “Fierce, Ferocious Faith is the key that shall activate the new Era of Breakthrough!” Hebrews 11:33-35 describes this overcoming Faith; it states, “By faith, they conquered Kingdoms, enforced justice, and received what God had promised them. They shut the mouth of Lions, they quenched the violence of fire, their weakness was turned to strength, they became mighty in battle, women received their dead back to life.” I heard the Spirit of God say that the master key that will unlock us into breakthrough in this season is Faith.

See Also

As we feast on His word, our Faith will increase and we will be empowered to overcome the obstacles that stand at the edge of our breakthrough. 1st John 5:4 states that “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our Faith” As we engage the power of the word like a sword, like a hammer that shatters the rocks in pieces, like a volcano that bursts through giant tectonic plates shattering mountains into pieces; as we partake in the proclamation of His word, its power shall shatter the rocks in pieces that stand in the pathway to our breakthrough.

I declare that regardless of what it has looked like, we shall believe the report of the Lord that we are stepping into the era of breakthrough! We shall read the word, speak His word; believe His word and proclaim His word. As we Believe the report of His word, I declare that we shall access the victory that comes through faith; the power that overcame the world in Jesus name! We are Birthing our New Era of Breakthrough!

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Amy Joob

Amen, I agree! We are entering a season & a new era of breakthrough in Jesus name!

Jordan Beaulac

Beautiful word!!

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