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The Night Season is Ending

The Night Season is Ending

Agnes Ebedi: "I Hear the Sound of Your Breakthrough!"

The Father said to me that many have come to the place of birthing but have become weary. He said, “The ‘Night Season’ shall come to an end in the ninth month.” Many have been in a night season in their finances, family situations and health. Because this is your set time of breakthrough, I declare that the night season is coming to an end and today marks the dawn of your brand-new day of bountiful blessings!

In this month, the Breaker, the Almighty God, shall go before you to unlock your season of breakthrough.

During my prayer time, I was suddenly startled by a loud, distinct, piercing sound, like the sound of glass shattering. I then heard our Father God say that just like Joseph experienced a season of confinement on the course to the palace, many Believers have encountered many barriers that have attempted to shut them in and keep them out of the promises God has spoken to them. Then I heard the Father say, “No longer shall you be prevented from possessing your promise because this is your hour to BREAKTHROUGH.”

That which has stood as a mountain in your life shall now bow at your decree. The glass ceilings shall shatter, the obstacles shall be uprooted, the walls shall come down, and you shall possess your promises in Jesus’ name!

The promises He has spoken to you shall come to pass according to His Word in Isaiah 45:1-2:

“This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of…to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.”

See Also

Isaiah 45:1-2

This is what the Father says concerning your promise. It shall come to pass in Jesus’ name.

Originally published on The Elijah List.

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