Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong…
Some nights ago while worshipping, I was suddenly taken into a vision. In this vision, I saw a feast taking place. There was a long table filled with very tasty delicacies. I looked in the distance and saw the Father, dressed in an elegant white robe. It looked like a wedding feast. As I watched, the tables suddenly literally began to turn. I heard the Father say that this year, many have faced seasons of unusual warfare, cities and nations have experienced unrest and unease in gigantic proportions but He is arising in response to the prayers of His people for their families, their cities and their nations and the seemingly, never ending, wearisome battles shall suddenly give way to Breakthrough. God shall “prepare a table for His people in the presence of the enemy” Psalm 23:5 and where the answers to prayers have seemed to be at a standstill for many, there shall be sudden movement and speedy answers to prayers This is the beginning of a massive turnaround season!
The Weapon of His Peace shall suddenly Crush the Enemy in Defeat.
I have been praying vehemently for the United States and for the nations because of the unprecedented circumstances that have taken place this year. A few nights ago, during my prayer time, I asked the Father His thoughts about all that is taking place and He said this to me “I sit in the Heavens and I laugh.” Psalm 2:4. I heard the Spirit of God say that His purpose shall stand and His plan shall prevail for the United States of America and for the Nations. I hear a sound, like the sound of a loud trumpet blast! It is a clarion call from heaven for intercession for the nations like never before. This indeed is the church’s finest hour.
We are standing at the brink of an Isaiah 60 era. Though darkness is threatening to cover the earth and deep darkness the people but there is a remnant that God is raising up who will stand in the gap. They are like the watchmen so accurately depicted in Isaiah 62:6-7 that will lift up their voices like the sound of a shofar and will not be silenced. They shall be the midwives that shall usher in the greatest move of God that earth has ever experienced. “I have set watchmen on your walls O Jerusalem, All day and all night they shall never keep silent, they must remind the Lord and give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem as a praise in the earth.” Isaiah 62:6-7. I hear the Spirit of God say “Sound the Alarm! Awaken the Watchmen!” There is a sound of awakening going forth from Heaven. It is being released across the globe. It is the Spirit of God awakening the bride to legislate in the place of intercession. We shall gain new ground and possess and walk in a greater realm of authority in the nations. We shall see righteousness be established all across the earth for “This is the hour” says God, where “the knowledge of my Glory shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.”
God has Heard your Prayers!
I was waking up a few mornings ago and as I rolled over in bed, I heard these words so loudly in my spirit repeatedly, “God has heard your prayers! God has heard your prayers!” When I awakened, I heard the Spirit of God say “Comfort! Comfort my people; Say to them that I have not turned a deaf ear to the cry for righteousness and revival. I am moving swiftly in My Power; I am releasing the answers to their prayers.” Then I heard Him declare “It has been authorized! Heaven has sanctioned the answers to your prayers. The unrest and rumbling that had troubled the earth shall now give way to revival.”
This is the Hour of the ‘UNPRECEDENTED’
I heard the Spirit of God say that this is the Hour of the ‘UNPRECEDENTED’”. As God’s people lift up their voices across the globe, we shall now see unrighteous laws, rulings and judgments suddenly overturned. We shall see ungodly rulers in this hour bow the knee to the force of the love of the Almighty God because yes indeed in this hour, as a massive move of the Spirit sweeps across the globe, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. This is the hour of the UNPRECEDENTED! Unprecedented Healings, Unprecedented Salvations and Unprecedented Breakthrough as God invades the earth with the power of His love. Multitudes shall come to the knowledge of the saving power of God and encounter the love of the Father.
In this hour, Miracles unheard of shall be released that shall cause the non-believing to believe and shall empower believers to be strengthened at the goodness of God. “Who has ever heard of such a thing, Can a nation be born in a day? Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and not cause it to bring forth? Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery? Says your God?” Isaiah 66:8. The church is now in travail! We stand at the brink of the birthing of a Global reformation and it shall NOT be cut short in its tracks. We shall NOT be silenced. Voices of Revolutionaries shall arise in this hour, in prayer and preaching and declaring justice and we shall see the greatest move of the Spirit of God that the world has ever experienced in this hour in the name of Jesus!
Agnes Ebedi is a woman of God with a strong prophetic anointing. Her vision is to see people across the globe encounter the person, presence and power of God.
sis Agnes ure a mighty woman of god I appreciate nd i celebrate u sis I want to ask u god has been showing visions how do I pray plz tell me
[…] [3] Agnes Ebedi (12 Nov 20): https://www.agnesebedi.com/breakthrough/3729-the-tables-are-turning/ […]
Dear Agnes; I live in Cleveland Tennessee too! I have been here since August and have been trying to find a church home, I am going to watch some sermons on n utube to check out the ramp. I am 64 years old, my husband and I have moved here to be close to children grandchildren and great grandchildren I am in a season of prayer and I am so excited about what God is doing too!! I am praying for 7,000,000,000, the battle is raging but our God is mighty beyond!!!!! Maybe we will meet here in town or at church, if the Lord wills. God bless you and keep you my sister