
Articles, publications, and devotionals on Breakthrough. These are some of Agnes’ most popular posts & content, as God has also uses her greatly in this area and has for years, being part of her calling.

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God opening a vault
Every Promise shall be Resurrected and Released SUDDENLY!

This is our Crossover Season! I declare that you are moving from weeping to reaping, resurrection, repayment, and rapid restoration! This is our celebration season in Jesus name!

The ROAR of an Awakened Bride!

The ROAR of Awakening has been released and this is NOT a push back Season but this is your payback Season in Jesus name!

This is the Season of Rapid Recompense

God’s people are now being released into their season of rest, restoration, reaping, repayment, recovery, and rapid recompense.

flag of U.S.A.
The Tables are Turning!

The church is now in travail! We stand at the brink of the birthing of a Global reformation and it shall NOT be cut short in its tracks. We shall NOT be silenced.

Agnes Ebedi: "The Force of God's Favor shall Break the Fog of Discouragement!"
The Force of God’s Favor shall Break the Fog of Discouragement

The sudden arrival of my Glory shall take the nations by a storm as a rainstorm of my favor shall be released. I will visit My people with my goodness, I will inhabit their homes with My kindness. I will refill and restore everything that was lost in the past season.

The Storm shall come to a Sudden End!
The Storm shall come to a Sudden End!

I saw the twisting funnel of a violently rotating tornado rapidly approaching, but suddenly, it immediately dissipated. The vision »

Agnes Ebedi: "We are stepping into an Era of MASSIVE Miracles."
We are Stepping into an Era of MASSIVE Miracles

I was standing in my living room a few weeks ago and literally heard a…

Agnes Ebedi: "You shall Breakthrough into 2020 just like a Rocket!"
You shall Breakthrough into 2020 just like a Rocket!

This morning, I was spending some time in worship and was suddenly taken into a…

Agnes Ebedi: "Your Season of Mighty Open Doors"
Your Season of Mighty Open Doors

While in prayer I had a vision of a door barred shut. It seemed like…

Agnes Ebedi: "I Hear the Sound of Your Breakthrough!"
The Night Season is Ending

The Father said to me that many have come to the place of birthing but…