
The Rise of a Global Revolution!

Don’t give up! I have heard your prayers!

silhouette photography of four camels
The Camels are Coming!

I heard the Father say this, “Say to my people that Expedited Miracles shall Break Extreme Delay!” Very shortly after this, a prayer request that I had being presenting to the Lord for 16 years was suddenly answered.

September shall be Saturated with Many Sudden Surprises!
September shall be Saturated with Many Sudden Surprises!

I declare Sudden Favor, Sudden Promotion, and Sudden Provision in Jesus’. I prophesy that there shall be sudden answers to long-awaited prayers that shall come to pass in September in Jesus’ name.

Much More than You Expected!
Much More than You Expected!

Very recently, while worshipping I was suddenly taken into a vision. In this vision, I…

Aug calendar on wall
August is your Month of ELEVATION!

I heard the Spirit of God say that August is your Month of Elevation, Expedited Miracles and Extraordinary Testimonies!

Agnes Ebedi: "The Drought has come to an End!"
The Drought has come to an End!

I had a very vivid dream a few nights ago. In this dream, someone suddenly…

aerial photo of body of water during daytime
This is your Crossover Season!

During my prayer time, I was suddenly taken into a vision. In this vision, I…

Agnes Ebedi: "You shall Breakthrough into 2020 just like a Rocket!"
You shall Breakthrough into 2020 just like a Rocket!

This morning, I was spending some time in worship and was suddenly taken into a…

A Vision to Agnes: "The Prince of Peace shall bring a Drastic end to this Disease!"
Powerful Vision: The Prince of Peace Shall Bring a Drastic End to this Disease!

While deep in prayer Sunday morning about the current global situation, I was suddenly taken…